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About the SOPRA Gallery

Our mission is to support and promote Polish art by current artists at home and abroad. We organise exhibitions, open-air events, fairs and art auctions, thus integrating the artistic and business worlds. Through the interpenetration of communities we create new forms of cooperation and inspiration. We present our offer both in real and virtual space. Active participation in foreign exhibitions and art fairs allows us to expand our international business contacts and promote Polish contemporary art on the global market.

At each of our events, we continue the traditions of the artistic bohemian nineteenth century, treating encounters with art as an opportunity to celebrate the taste of life, by enriching art evenings with great food and drinks appropriate to the occasion. This allows all present to immerse themselves in a pleasant atmosphere of colourful and creativity-expanding conversations about art.


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W Kręgu Symbolizmu

Wystawa malarstwa Karola Bąka, Janusza Lewandowskiego i Daniela Pieluchy. Wystawa potrwa miesiąc: 1.03.2024-31.03.2024. Wernisaż odbędzie się 1.03.2024 o godzinie 18:00.…

What sets us apart

Auction evenings

Auction evenings

Our exclusive auction evenings are aimed at VIP clients. Their uniqueness is evidenced by the presence of the artists whose works are presented at the event. We hold auctions in the most prestigious venues in Poland and abroad.

Online auctions

Online auctions

We conduct online auctions in cooperation with renowned auction platforms in Poland and abroad. The auction finale is broadcast live. Participants can bid in real time from anywhere in the world.

Proven track record of artists

Proven track record of artists

We collaborate with artists from Poland and abroad. We offer works by both established artists and works by the younger generation.



We have partnered with the largest Polish platform for selling and minting tokens. This is a new way to invest in art. Create or buy your own tokens today. Get in touch with us.

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Dariusz Kaleta

We present a special guest - Dariusz Kaleta, manager of the Contemporary Art Gallery in Kołobrzeg and a talented painter. His easel painting, full of realism, reflects the history of Poland and Sarmatia. We invite you to discover the mastery of the brush and the fascinating work of Dariusz Kaleta!

Diana Żarów

Introducing an exceptional artist, Diana Żarów. Her painting combines surrealism and magical realism, discovering the beauty of the universe and man. As a wife and mother, she manages to harmoniously reconcile the role of an artist with her family life thanks to the support of her partner. Her work draws viewers into the fascinating world of creativity.

Bianka Kunicka Chudzikowska

Bianka Kunicka Chudzikowska - culture expert, artist, iconographer, poet and writer. He sees a woman as a force, despite historical inequalities. She believes in change through the solidarity and cooperation of women.

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Nadrealizm Polski-Daniel Pielucha

Galeria SOPRA serdecznie zaprasza na wernisaż wystawy malarstwa Daniela Pieluchy "Obrazy 2023" oraz promocję kalendarza na 2024 rok. Spotkanie uświetni…

Top Art

Już w najbliższy poniedziałek odbędzie się kulturalno biznesowy event: spotkanie wyjątkowych osobistości biznesowych i rozdanie nagród za najbardziej luksusową markę…

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